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Fortschritte in Nachhaltigkeit

Rethought. Redesigned. Reinvented.

We live in times that require new approaches. Times in which we need to free ourselves from outdated views. Sustainability is deeply rooted in the DNA of our company. As a value-driven company, we share common convictions and want to lead the circular economy in our field.

So we have decided on an ambitious plan: to be one of the world's first companies to launch bags and backpacks made primarily from recycled textiles as early as 2023. For our top seller, Hajo Medium Backpack, we recycle about 850g of textile waste. We need more than pure marketing campaigns with low percentages of recycled textiles per product. We want to take a big step towards circular production.
Instead of PET bottles from the beverage industry, we now recycle textile waste. A circular economy means that each industry is responsible for its own waste. We aim to use textile waste to the maximum extent possible in the "Lotus Infinity" series for the first time. In doing so, we want to design them in such a way as to create durable products with low emissions.

For us, a capsule collection is not enough. Little by little, we want to extend these innovations to the entire collection. We want to take a leading role and hope for imitators. The industry needs to rethink - and better today than tomorrow.

Was sind die wichtigsten Verbesserungen?


Größtmöglicher Anteil an recycelten Textilien


Lebensdauer verlängert


Reduzierter ökologischer Fußabdruck


Designed für die Kreislaufwirtschaft

Wie kann so eine ‘Neuerfindung’ denn aussehen?

Sustainability doesn't always have to look 'eco'. In our case, you can hardly tell the difference. Often they are not visible, because we look where no one looks. Hard plastics and foams are hidden in every backpack sold today. We have found a way to avoid all of that and use textile waste instead.

Schau dir an wie es funktioniert - Schritt für Schritt:






Was sind die Hauptinnovationen in den Produkten?

We have already implemented these 17 measures for products in the Lotus Infinity series:
  • Schritte hin zur einer zirkulären Textilproduktion um die lineare Textilproduktion zu ersetzen
  • Recycled textile waste is used to make hard felt sheets and replaces PP (Polypropylene) sheets to provide stability
  • Recycled textile waste is used to make soft felt sheets and replace PE (Polyethylene) foams for cushioning
  • Recycelte Textilabfälle ersetzen recycelte Plastikflaschen für die Faserherstellung
  • Chemisches Recycling (Glycolyse Verfahren) ersetzt mechanisches Recycling für die Faserherstellung
  • Mechanischer Stretch wird aus PET anstelle von Elastan hergestellt
  • Spinnfärbung (Dope Dye) ersetzt das herkömmliche Färbeverfahren
  • Dope dye reduces CO₂e (carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions, energy, chemicals and water massively in production
  • Spinnfärbung (Dope Dye) bietet höhere UV-Stabilität
  • Spinnfärbung (Dope Dye) sorgt für bessere Farbbeständigkeit bei Abrieb
  • Die Schultergurte sind mit Ventilationslöchern versehen
  • The material thickness of PU (Polyurethane) is reduced to save resources and for better performance
  • Erhöhte Zugfestigkeit, Reißfestigkeit und Beständigkeit gegen Oberflächenhaftung
  • Reduziert CO₂e Emissionen, Energie und Wasser in der Produktion
  • Roll-tops are equipped with a specially developed material to provide flexibility and high durability at the same time
  • Free of solvents such as DMF/VOC (Dimethylformamide/ Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • Die Hälfte des Materials Lotus Infinity Materials wird aus recycelten Textilabfällen hergestellt und im Spinnfärbeverfahren (Dope Dye) gefärbt

Was ist der Beitrag zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften der Textilindustrie?

Starting with the release of our Lotus Infinity Series, we hope to initiate pressure on the textile industry with following measurements:
  • Strong focus on circular textile production to replace linear textile production
  • Establishment of chemical recycling of textile waste (upcycling) instead of recycling of plastic bottles from the beverage industry
  • Establishment of the resource-saving fiber-to-filler process (downcycling) of mixed textiles that would otherwise be incinerated
  • Etablierung des ressourcenschonenden der Spinnfärbung (Dope Dye)
  • Transparente Kommunikation um Wandel in der Industrie zu beschleunigen

Was kann jeder Einzelne tun, um den Wandel zu beschleunigen?

  • Stay up to date - we have prepared information on all topics for you, which you can access via the links below
  • Look closely at the next purchase and ask the companies how far-reaching their measures are